What is Abdominal etching?

This is a surgical procedure aimed at getting rid of extra fat deposits in the stomach so that the patient can achieve a 6-pack figure. Also known as abdominal liposculture, this procedure also helps build stronger muscles.

How it is done

It starts with the surgeon making small cuttings where the belly button is, as well as the areas on the abdomen where creases appear. The surgeon uses the cannula to administer anaesthesia so that you do not feel pain. He then uses the instrument to suck out the fat deposits. This is a localised fat sucking procedure in that only target places will have the fat removed.
Pectoral implant requires to be handled in a sensitive way since grooves will be made from the layers of the fat in the abdomen. This surgical procedure is done to ensure that you have an abdomen that brings out the muscular element of a 6-pack.

The different types of Abdominal Etching

abdominal etchingBy definition, this procedure involves getting rid of the excess fat deposits in various regions of your body.  There is liposuction targeting the abdomen and thighs for women whilst men have the procedure done on their flanks as well as the abdomen. In both cases, surgeons use the specialized instrument known as the cannula.
The procedure is performed within 24 hours in surgical centres like the Sydney Plastic Surgery where Dr. Barnouti will carry out the procedure on you for a minimum of 90 minutes. Once the procedure is done, you may even be released to go back home.

Type of anaesthesia

In regard to the anesthesia used for abdominal etching, the local one is used, though the general may also be administered.

Recovering from abdominal etching

The procedure done by Dr. Barnouti involves use of bandage which is compressed and has to be in place throughout for one week. During this time, only a bath using a sponge is allowed while dressing will be done on the seventh day by one of Dr. Barnouti’s specialist nurse skilled nurses.

What are the risks associated with this procedure?

Plastic surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries inherent risks and potential complications.

Please read our Risks and Complications of Plastic Surgery page.